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Online entry
On this page you can submit film for Oldenburg Short Film Days zwergWERK. After completing and submitting the form the postal address will be shown where you can send the preview copies of your films to.
Deadline is August 15, 2013!
Conditions for participation
Please study the following conditions carefully before submitting films. The entry form is located further down on this page.
General conditions
- The submitted film has to have been produced within the last three years.
- The runtime of the submitted film may not exceed 30 minutes. (Exceptions are only possible after agreement with the festival)
- If the submitted film contains spoken language being crucial for understanding, it must be German or English or the film has to be subtitled in German or English.
- A dialogue list has to be enclosed for english films without subtitles.
- The preview copy has to be a DVD.
- The preview copy remains in the archives of the Oldenburg Short Film Days.
- There is no legal claim for a screening of the submitted film at the Oldenburg Short Film Days.
Additional conditions for the regional competition “Oldenburg Short Film Prize”
- The director must reside no further than 100 km away from Oldenburg and/or the submitted film must be produced no further than 100 km away from Oldenburg.
- If the submitted film is screened at the festival, it will be provided for the festival DVD free of charge. When the film is included on the DVD the director receives a free copy.
- The preview copy must be sent to zwergWERK until August 15, 2013.
- If the submitted film is selected, the director will be informed in time before the festival.
- The screening copy of an accepted film has to be sent to zwergWERK until November 11, 2013 unless the preview copy shall be used as screening copy.
- The screening copy of a screened film will be sent back to the given address.
Visiting the Oldenburg Short Film Days zwergWERK
- All directors are most welcome to visit the Oldenburg Short Film Days. Due to the festival's low budget we cannot offer compensation for travel expenses and accommodation. Nevertheless, we can help finding accommodation.
- The directors of all accepted films will receive a guest ticket which provides free access to all events of the 13th Oldenburg Short Film Days zwergWERK.
- Providing the film for the festival DVD is only mandatory for participating at the Oldenburg Short Film Prize, otherwise it is voluntary.
- The item “special events of the zwergWERK club” (see below) relates to individual non-profit short film events in-between the festivals as well as to the TV magazine “zwergWERK tv” broadcasted by Oldenburg's local TV station oeins and maybe other local TV stations. The permission to use submitted films for these purposes is not mandatory for entering films for the festivals, but voluntary.
- Please contact us if anything is unclear. In reasonable cases we may grant exceptions from certain rules.